Tesla's Published Patents

I have always found the patents of Nikola Tesla quite difficult to follow, but in case you find them easier, 
here are the ones which have been published.

Download the full set of patents as one .pdf file (size 23 Mb)

514,972		Electric-Railway System				2nd January 1892
514,169		Reciprocating Engine				19th August 1893
517,900		Steam Engine					29th December 1893
1,061,142	Fluid propulsion					21st October 1909
1,061,206	Turbine						21st October 1909
1,655,113	Method of Aerial Transportation			9th September 1921
1,655,114	Apparatus for Aerial Transportation			4th October 1927

High Frequency Devices
447,921		Alternating Electric Current Generator		15th November 1890
462,418		Apparatus for Electric Conversion & Distribution	4th February 1891
514,168		Means for Generating Electric Currents		2nd August 1893
568,176		Apparatus for Producing HF Electric Currents		22nd April 1896
568,178		Regulating Apparatus for HF Currents		20th June 1896
568,179		Apparatus for Producing HF Currents		6th July 1896
568,180		Apparatus for Producing HF Electric Currents		9th July 1896
577,670		Apparatus for Producing HF Electric Currents		3rd September 1896
583,953		Apparatus for Producing HF Electric Currents		19th October 1896
609,251		Electric-Circuit Controller				3rd June 1897
609,245		Electrical-Circuit Controller				2nd December 1897
611,719		Electrical-Circuit Controller				10th December 1897
609,246		Electric-Circuit Controller				28th February 1898
609,247		Electric-Circuit Controller				12th March 1898
609,248		Electric-Circuit Controller				12th March 1898
609,249		Electric-Circuit Controller				12th March 1898
613,735		Electric-Circuit Controller				19th April 1898

335,786		Electric Arc Lamp					30th March 1885
335,787		Electric Arc Lamp					13th July 1886
447,920		Method of Operating Arc Lamps			1st October 1890
454,622		System of Electric Lighting				25th April 1891
455,069		Electric Incandescent lamp				14th May 1891
514,170		Incandescent Electric Light				2nd January 1892

455,068		Electrical Meter					27th March 1891
514,973		Electrical Meter					15th December 1893
1,209,359	Speed Indicator					29th May 1914
1,274,816	Speed Indicator					18th December 1916
1,314,718	Ship's Log					18th December 1916
1,365,547	Flow Meter					18th December 1916
1,402,025	Frequency Meter					18th December 1916

568,177		Apparatus for Producing Ozone			17th June 1896
609,250		Electrical Igniter for Gas Engines			17th February 1897
685,012		Increasing the Intensity of Electrical Oscillations	21st March 1900
655,838		Method of Insulating Electric Conductors		15th June 1900
685,957		Apparatus for Utilising Radiant Energy		21st March 1901
685,958		Method of Utilising Radiant Energy			21st March 1901
1,113,716	Fountain						28th October 1913
1,329,559	Valvular Conduit					21st February 1916
1,266,175	Lightning Protector				6th May 1916

514,972		Electric Railway System				2nd January 1892
514,169		Reciprocating Engine				19th August 1893
517,900		Steam Engine					29th December 1893
1,061,142	Fluid Propulsion					21st October 1909
1,061,206	Turbine						21st October 1909
1,655,113	Method of Aerial Transportation			9th September 1921
1,655,114	Apparatus for Aerial Transportation			4th October 1927

645,576		System for Transmission of Electrical Energy		2nd September 1897
649,621		Apparatus for Transmission of Electrical Energy	2nd September 1897
613,809		Control of Moving Vessels or Vehicles		1st July 1898
685,955		Transmission Through Natural Media			24th June 1899
685,953		Intensifying Natural Media Transmission		24th June 1899
685,954		Using Natural Media Transmissions			1st August 1899
685,956		Using Natural Media Transmissions			1st August 1899
787,412		Transmitting Electricity through Natural Media		16th May 1900
723,188		Method of Signalling				16th July 1900
725,605		System of Signalling				16th July 1900
1,119,732	Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy		18th January 1902

334,823		Commutator for Dynamos				6th May 1885
336,961		Regulator for Dynamos				18th May 1885
336,962		Regulator for Dynamos				1st June 1885
350,954		Regulator for Dynamos				14th January 1886
382,845		Commutator for Dynamos				30th April 1887
381,970		System of Electrical Distribution			23rd December 1887
382,282		Method of Distributing Electric Currents		23rd December 1887
390,413		System of Electrical Distribution			10th April 1888
390,820		Regulator for AC Motors				24th April 1888
413,353		Method of Obtaining DC from AC			12th June 1889
417,794		Armature for Electric Machines (with Schmid)		28th June 1889
433,702		Electrical Transformer or Induction Device		26th March 1890
464,667		Electrical Capacitor				1st August 1891
514,167		Electrical Conductor				2nd January 1892
512,340		Coil for Electro-Magnets				7th July 1893
567,818		Electrical Capacitor				17th June 1896
577,671		Manufacture of Electrical Capacitors, Coils, etc.	5th November 1896
593,138		Electrical Transformer				20th March 1897

Website Patents website for free downloads

A higher quality printed copy of these patents edited by Jim Glenn is available as ISBN 1-56619-266-8

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